We’ve been starved of waves during this recent spell of hot weather – so it’s been a case of grab it while it’s there. Here’s Matt busting out the finsĀ last Tuesday when a few lines rolled in.
Kids Club 12.07.14
General Club News Groms Surf Club Events Top ShotsAnother great turn-out today for Saturday Morning Surf Club – over 60 surfers again this week. lots of waves to be had. Here are a few pics from the session. there are more over on Nick’s site here
See you next time!
It’s What Groms Do!
General Club News GromsWe mature, well-balanced adults would have nothing to moan about if it wasn’t for the groms in our lives. They hang around the surf school leaving their clothes strewn about and their half-eaten lunches abandoned for the gulls to attack. They play football games that ransack numerous family camps in the vicinity, or boules games that soon come to resemble Dambuster bombing raids! And having been under our feet the whole day they are mysteriously missing when a parent turns up to take their little treasure home!
Just occasionally a grom will provide one of those priceless moments that more than rewards us for those petty annoyances – and one such event happened this week when Harris’ nephews brightened a drowsy afternoon by inventing the new sport of Bin Snorkelling as seen in the picture above. The delights of exploring the azure seas of Porthmeor must have lost their allure when the murky contents of the wetsuit washbin offer a more interesting prospect.
Similarly, Fion, a firm favourite of everyone at the school, decided to step up his progression from scooter to bike to skateboard by donning Todger’s motorbike helmet in readiness for his next step. Anyone got any XXS bike leathers for sale?
Such behaviour should not be encouraged by responsible adults!
Ladies Night
General Club News St. Ives Surf School events Top ShotsWednesday’s Surf School’s Ladies Night was the first of the summer, and a strong turnout survived a testing fitness session on the beach with Stef Harkon before enjoying the gentler pleasures of a sunset surf on a balmy Porthmeor evening. There were waves a-plenty to be had, and a couple of surf school coaches on hand to help the newbies get their share. Here’s a sample of what went down!
- Stef’s warm-up routine
- Pop-up practice
Look out for the next one when time and tide allow!